Happy Week… with Sad Transfers

So, I’m staying in Rengo for another 6 weeks! But the sad is that Hna Archila is going to finish her mission in Constitution, and not with me. We were ALL expecting her to spend her last transfer here, so it’s a surprise. But I’m SO happy and grateful for the transfer I had with her, we worked hard and are seeing SO many people progress!! My new companion will be Hna Colil from CHILE. πŸ™‚

As for this week, crazy fun! Sorry, but its been a crazy day, so I’m not gonna feel like writing a bunch of details. But heres the important stuff:
Us 8 missionaries plus 2 members did a service project for our investigator Jose- we cleaned his house, painted the living room, and cut the grass/ weeds out front. He’s the old grandpa that lives solo, so it was cool to transform his house. Plus, now its clean. πŸ™‚
Bishop held a family night in his house for 2 of our investigators about the family. They LOVED it, plus their 2 crazy kids behaved well, which was a miracle. Also, the next day, Bishop’s wife had us over for dinner with Edith, the recent convert. πŸ™‚
Thursday we had a big zone conference and the assistants NAILED IT with a video about joy in the work, leaving the apartment in time and talking with EVERYONE. It was so funny, we were allllllllllll crying. Plus, its always fun to be together, learn lots of new things, etc etc.
Saturday- BAPTISM! Aracelly got baptized! The ward was super supportive, her family has happy, it was super beautiful! And Sunday when she got confirmed, her big brothers were sustained and ordained to the Aaronic priesthood! I LOVE their family, way super special to us. πŸ™‚
And well, Sunday and today we’ve spent saying some goodbyes for Hna Archila. Its hard, but I know that she’s gonna do great things in her new sector. Shes been a fantastic companion and thanks to her, we’ve progressed a ton here in our sector. πŸ™‚
Hope you are all well fam bamily! LES AMO!!!
Hermana Clawson
the Obra Misional Barrio Las Nieves (ward mission leader)
Zone conference fotos (preparation for the Christmas video)
and especially for JOEY- my member friend has a minecraft sword! hahahaha NERD POWER.

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